The International Conference on 75 Years of Occupation in Palestine was organized with the aim of fostering discourse on the Palestine issue, in collaboration with 40 centers within and outside the country.



The conference's initial session took place on 8th Farvardin in Lebanon, and the final pre-session was held on 29th Khordad in Qom. Top papers were presented in five language panels, and the conference’s emblem and two books were also unveiled.

It is noteworthy that a total of 300 articles were received from 20 nationalities in six languages, and the conference concluded on Thursday, 7th Teer, 1403.

The International Conference on 75 Years of Occupation was designed by the Center of Islamic Humanities Education in six different languages, aiming to achieve two main objectives: hosting specialized pre-sessions on the Supreme Leader’s letter to Western students regarding Palestine, and presenting articles in various languages on this topic.

In the closing ceremony of the International Conference on 75 Years of Occupation in Palestine, the President of the Center of Islamic Humanities Education, while offering congratulations on the birth anniversary of Imam Kazim (peace be upon him), stated: "The issue of Palestine is considered the foremost issue of the Islamic world, and this matter has always been emphasized by the leaders of the revolution."

Hujjutul Islam wal Muslimeen Benari, citing some statements of the Supreme Leader regarding the importance of the Palestine issue for the entire Islamic world, reminded: "The Palestine issue is the precursor to the ultimate victory of the Islamic world in confronting the front of disbelief and arrogance, and the Islamic Republic of Iran, as the heartland of the Islamic world, is today the flag-bearer of the cause of supporting Palestine."

The President of the Conference on 75 Years of Occupation in Palestine noted: "According to the orders of the Supreme Leader, our defense of Palestine is not tactical or strategic, but an ideological cause. Based on the developments in Operation Al-Aqsa Storm, many truths, including comprehensive Western support for the crimes of the Zionist regime and the fading of their slogans supporting human rights, and the rights of women and children… became evident."

He regarded Al-Mustafa International University as a distinguished international academic institution in the Islamic world, stating: "Al-Mustafa, with its vast capacity across the globe, is entrusted with a significant mission regarding the Palestine issue, and holding the 75 Years of Occupation conference is a step towards fulfilling this role."

Hujjutul Islam wal Muslimeen Benari, outlining the objectives of this conference, recalled: "75 pre-sessions were held inside and outside the country on the occasion of 75 years of occupation by the Zionist regime, and 300 articles from twenty countries in six languages were received and reviewed at the conference secretariat."

He listed the production of scientific thought on the subject of Palestine as the second goal of the conference, saying: "These crimes and occupations must be recorded in history for future generations, and the scientific approach of the conference seeks to achieve this goal.”

In conclusion, the President of the Conference on 75 Years of Occupation in Palestine, while appreciating all those who contributed to this conference, especially the domestic and international representatives of Al-Mustafa International University, researchers, and collaborating centers, expressed: "The organizers of the conference, with a spirit of jihad and increased efforts, brought this conference to fruition, and I sincerely thank and appreciate all of these esteemed participants."