Page 33 - Pure Life 04
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32  PURE LIFE, Vol.2.No.4, (Jumada al-Thani 1437. Isfand 1394. March. 2016)

                  This  view  is  further  reinforced  by  Ladd  et  al  (1996)
               findings  that  those  children  who  had  negative  friendship
               features  were  found  to  display  a  greater  degree  of
               disruptive behaviors in the school and were less likely to
               engage in classroom activities.

               The Importance of Good Friends in Islam
               Islam  places  a  great  deal  of  importance  on the  issues of
               sociability,  peace,  mutual  respect  and  fair  treatment  of
               others (Laliwala, 2005).
                  The  Holy  Quran  in  Surah  Hujrat  states  that,  “And  of
               two parties of believers fall to fighting, then make peace
               between them…make peace between them justly and act
               equitably. Lo! Allah Loveth the equitable”
                  This amongst other Quranic references clearly indicates
               the  tremendous  importance  Allah  has  placed  on
               maintaining peace, equity and justice on His lands and one
               of the most effective and direct ways of achieving this is
               via  friendships.  If  people  have  the  characteristics  of
               friends  mentioned  above,  the  likelihood  of conflicts  will
               be  reduced  which  then  essentially  make  Allah  happy.
               Thus Muslims need to be good friends as it is one of the
               ways to please The Creator.
                  It is critical to note here that friends in a person’s do
               not  necessarily  signify  Allah’s  pleasure.  For  example  a
               group  of  criminals  are  also  essentially  friends  who  trust
               and  help  each  other  to  create  “fassaad”  or  nuisance  on
               Allah’s land. Such are friends from which both the Quran
               and the Prophet have warned the Muslim ummah and the
               world in general against.
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