Page 38 - Pure Life 04
P. 38

A Good Friend in Islam /37

                  Hypocrites  are  the  people  who  present  themselves  as
               friend  of  people  while  in  reality  lie,  break  his  promises,
               betray, back bite and abandon in the times of need.
                  About  such  people  God  says  in  Quran  (Surah  AT
               Tauba, Verse 67):

                ِفوُرْعَمْلا ِنَع َنْوَهْنَي    َو  ِرَكْنُمْلاِب   َنوُرُمْأَي  ٍضْعَب ْنِم ْمُهُضْعَب ُتاَقِفاَنُمْلاَو َنوُقِفاَنُمْلا "

                        " َنوُقِساَفْلا   ُمُه   َنيِقِفاَنُمْلا    َّنِإ    ْمُهَيِسَنَف   َهَّللا   اوُسَن  ْمُهَيِدْيَأ َنوُضِبْقَيَو
                  “The  hypocrites,  both  men  and  women,  precede  one
               from another. They enjoin the wrong, and they forbid the
               right,  and  they  withhold  their  hands  (from  spending  for
               the  cause  of  Allah).  They  forget  Allah,  so  He  hath
               forgotten  them.  Lo!  The  hypocrites,  they  are  the
                  Thus,  while  seeking  a  good  friend  it  is  important  to
               ascertain  that  the  concerned  individual  is  “genuine”  and
               “trustworthy”. This is an extremely difficult task considering
               that no individual reveals him / herself completely to others
               and  therefore  ultimate  integrity  and  congeniality  of  an
               apparent friend cannot be known. Quran offers guidelines to
               the  believers  by  identifying  the  signs  to  watch  out  as  we
               should not develop friendship with hypocrites because they
               will not only drown in hell fire themselves but are likely to
               drag you along themselves as well.
                  A good friend according to Islam is one who helps you
               in  remembering  God  and  following  His  prescribed  path.
               The speech of a good friend increases your knowledge and
               his  actions  motivate  you  in  right  direction  for  this  world
               and that hereafter. Therefore it is clear that for any Muslim
               who wants to protect and safeguard his faith it is important
               to be selective in making friendships and company.
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