Page 39 - Pure Life 04
P. 39

38  PURE LIFE, Vol.2.No.4, (Jumada al-Thani 1437. Isfand 1394. March. 2016)

                  Apart  from  the  mention  of  friendship,  companionship
               and  brotherhood  in  the  Quran,  the  Prophet  Mohammad
               (PBUH) and Imams (A.S.) have talked about good friends
               in  detail.  Prophet  Mohammad  (PBUH)has  said  (Bihar  ul
                  “Man  in  influenced  by  the  faith  of  his  friends.
               Therefore be careful of whom you associate with” (Bihar
               ul Anwar, vol. 74).
                  It is clear from the hadith of holy Prophet as well that
               we  shall  be  careful  in  choosing  our  friends  and  to  be
               careful  with  whom  we  associate.  If  someone  chooses  a
               bad friend, they will encourage him to do all bad things
               which  are  prohibited  in  Islam.  The  bad  company  will
               never encourage doing a good and righteous deeds.
                  This is very important for all Muslims to understand the
               philosophy of selecting a good friend, especially for new
               Muslims  as  they  may  have  habits  such  as  smoking  or
               drinking.  They  may  have  accustomed  to  those  habits
               which are regarded sin in Islam. It is necessary for those
               Muslims  to  cut  their  relation  with  those  friends  who
               smoke or drink, rather they should make friendship with
               believer who reminds them of God and God’s work.

               Safeguarding Good Friendship
               It has been highlighted that a Muslim should seek a good
               friend in order to be able to follow the right and guided
               path.  Seeking  good  friendship  and  marinating  a
               companionship is a responsibility for each believer has to
               himself or herself, to god and his community.
                  Therefore seek a good friend who seeks paradise in the
               hereafter.  However  once  we  have  established  the
               friendship, it needs to be maintained as well.
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