Page 42 - Pure Life 04
P. 42

A Good Friend in Islam /41

                  There  are  however  certain  important  elements  which
               needs to be done to keep stable and fruitful friendship. For
               this  purpose  we  should  not  dispute  with  our  friend  or
               make indecent jokes with them.
                  It is important that we do not quarrel with them, do not
               be  aggressive  with  them,  and  do  not  consider  them
               inferior in any way because for a believer the true value of
               a person is only that in the eyes of Allah.
                  Finally,  it  is  recommended  that  in  case  of  a  quarrel
               between friends, it is critical for a true believer to mend
               ties  at  the  earliest.  Imam  Hassan  (A.S.)  said  very  nicely
               that  behave  in  the  same  way  with  your  friends  the  way
               you  want  them  to  behave  with  you.  Thus  overall,  Islam
               has prescribed a healthy and effective manner of seeking
               and safeguarding a good friend. The Holy Quran sums it
               up by saying that:
               "اوُقَّرَفَت اَلَو اًعيِمَج ِهَّللا ِلْبَحِب اوُمِصَتْعاَو"
               “Hold  fast  the  rope  of  Allah,  and  you  shall  never
               separate” (Surah Al – Emran, Verse 103)

               An  old  English  proverb  says  “A  man  is  known  by  the
               company  he  keeps”.  The  same  thing  was  emphasized
               tremendously  long  before  this  proverb  by  the  Holy
               Prophet (PBUH) on the importance of surrounding oneself
               with  good  people.  Prophet  Mohammad  (PBUH)  often
               spoke  about  the  value  of  true  friendship  to  his
               companions.  He  stressed  the  need  to  have  good
               companion and surround ourselves.
                  He urged companions to be friends with those who hold
               same belief and values.
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